
The Privateland protocol consists of three layers:

1) Consensus layer:

Track ownership of land and its contents.

2) Soil content layer:

Download assets using a decentralized distribution system.

3) Real time layer:

Allows world audience of users to connect with each other.

Land ownership is set at the consensus layer, where the land content is referenced via a file content hash. From this reference, the downloaded file contains descriptions of the objects, textures, sounds, and other elements needed to create the scene. It also contains a meeting server URL to coordinate connections between P2P users browsing tiles simultaneously. The image shows a diagram of the steps Privateland clients take to deliver a shared virtual world experience in a decentralized manner

In addition, two other systems are key to developing Privateland's economy:

Payment Channel infrastructure for fast payments at low fees.

An Identity System that allows users to establish ownership of original creations.

Last updated