Content Distribution Layer

Privateland uses a decentralized storage system to distribute the content needed to make the world. For each package that needs to be rendered, a reference to a file with a description of the package content is retrieved from the smart contract. battle by storing magnet links for each pack. However, the Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS)11 provides an attractive alternative as the technology matures.

This decentralized distribution system allows Privateland to work without the need for a centralized server infrastructure. This allows the world to exist as long as users distribute content, shifting the costs of running the system to the same actors who benefit from it. It also provides Privateland with strong censorship resistance, removing the power of a central authority to change rules or prevent users from participating.

However, hosting these files and the bandwidth required to serve this content comes at a significant cost. Currently, Privateland's P2P network users are seeding content without compensation and goodwill. However, in the future, these infrastructure costs could be covered by the use of protocols such as Filecoin12. Until this technology becomes available, automated micropayments can be used to pay for quality of service. Continued sales of PLand Privateland can cover these costs in the long run.

The description of a parcel will contain a list of different files required to render it, a list of services hosted by the landowner, and an entry point to orchestrate the placement of objects and their behavior. This document must declare:

Content files

References to, or blobs with, 3D meshes, as well as textures, audio files, and other relevant content required to render the parcel. These are specified so that the client knows what contents the renderization will need, without any instructions on how to place them.

Scripting entry point

The scripting system controls how the content is placed in the parcel, as well as its behavior. This enables applications and animations to take place within the parcel. It also coordinates behaviors such as the positioning and movement of objects, the timing and frequency of sounds played, the possible interactions with users, among other features.

P2P interactions

This allows the client to connect to a server that bootstraps user-to-user connections, coordinates positions and postures, and enables voice chat and messaging.

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