Real-Time Layer

Clients will communicate with each other by establishing a peer-to-peer connection with the help of servers hosted by landowners or third parties. Without a centralized server, peer-to-peer connections are needed to provide social interaction between users, as well as applications that landowners want to run in parcels. To coordinate bootstrap peer-to-peer connections, landowners must provide a meeting server or understand that users will not be able to see each other in their packages.

The maintenance of these servers can be incentivized in the same way as content servers. When a lightweight protocol like STUN13 can cover the required functionality from the server, the cost will be quite low. But for more advanced features, such as voice chat between multiple concurrent users or network traversal services, micropayments can be used to cover operating costs.

User social experiences on Privateland will include avatars, positioning of other users, voice chat, messaging, and interaction with virtual environments. The various protocols used to coordinate these features can work on top of existing P2P solutions.

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