Identity System

System Land tenure Privateland is a type of identity system, where credentials are the coordinates of a person's land. Economic incentives are also needed to ensure that creators of avatars, items, and scripts continue to build and distribute them. Because content can be arbitrarily copied, we have to rely on social agreements to enforce levies on creators.

Social agreements can make digital scarcity possible. In a centralized system, this scarcity is maintained by the company that created the platform. For Bitcoin and other proof-of-work blockchains, scarcity is made possible by the computational conundrum and the fact that mining blocks requires heavy economic sacrifices. Privateland can use a decentralized identity system to create a layer of ownership over the world's goods. The system should allow users to easily verify author approval by associating the public key and signature with a human-readable name.

Projects like uPort or the Ethereum Name Service can be used to do this. Social reputation is also needed to facilitate contributions to authors.

The ability to drive content creation in a decentralized economy is growing rapidly, with many projects working in the space directly or indirectly. Potential solutions include Mediachain, Curation Markets, Rare Pepes, and more.

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